Thursday, October 21, 2010

All about : Traditional Mexican Clothing for Women

A closer look at traditional Mexican costume for women reveals a vibrant world, crafted intricate garments. The influx of European and native elements, clothes specially favored materials and embrace bold colors.The key Mexican Clothing
Native Mexican clothing can best be divided into several categories, including everyday wear, traditional wear and festive costumes. Of course, everyday is a simplified group jeans, t-shirts and the like, but even more western clothes are spirited with a Mexican flair and is worn in earthy colors. It is also often combined with traditional Mexican accessories.
Traditional and festive wear, on the other hand, have their own unique style and is notable for its extensive use of colors, fabrics and natural fibers. Among the materials commonly used are agave, bark, cotton, silk and wool.On the traditional costume of Mexican WomenMexican clothes all share an appreciation for bright colors and beautiful craftsmanship. Among the common clothing options for women are the followingHuipil
The huipil (pronounced «wee-peel) is a sleeveless, shirt-like garment. As with many other cultures use clothing to identify specific areas of origin, the distinctive design in huipil can distinguish the community that bearer belongs. The projects can take also the marital status of the bearer or personal beliefs. huipil A ritual is one worn by the wives of the religious elements in the community, and statues of saints. Huipils worn by children, adolescents and adults.Quechquémitl
Worn more often as part of a set of dressy party or other special circumstance quechquémitl consists of two rectangular pieces of fabric woven to resemble a small cape. Made with everything from wool to cotton, and can be embroidered with animals, floral prints and graphic designs. Depending on the community of women, quechquémitl can be done with a different technique. For example, in Veracruz garment is made of metal and worn on the head and not the body.Rebozo
Rebozos are multifunctional clothes, indeed. Typically made from cotton, wool or silk, but used to cover the head or body (like a shawl), and is also used to carry everything from small children to the goods market. As with many other garments bearing designs that carry a distinctive community of the wearer. Some colors, stripes or different colors of wool, for example, is indicative of the various villages in Mexico.Blouses
Women who do not wear huipils can wear instead of a traditional blouse. Made with essential commercial ingredients, reflecting the traditional Mexican culture and are largely embroidered with colorful designs, beads and lace, and may also be pleated. Other common shirts are usually made of cotton and carry the same characteristics as typical western peaks. The biggest difference is in length and the way they wear: Some are long, others short, some long, others heavily decorated

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